Our welcoming staff will make you feel safe and secure. Whether a receptionist or a doctor, we pride ourselves on having one of the most understanding and helpful workforces in the medicinal sector.
Our General Practitioners
Dr Jack Lin
A graduate of the University of Otago, Dr Lin also obtained a Diploma in Paediatrics at the University of Auckland and is a vocationally registered Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.
Dr Sujay Kleeman
A graduate of the University of London, Dr Kleeman completed her GP training in the UK and has vocational registration of the Royal College of General Practitioners. She has additional Diplomas in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Sexual Health. She also has a UK qualification in community diabetic insulin initiation.
Dr Sarah Wong
We welcome registrar Dr Sarah Wong to the Picton Surgery family! A graduate of the University of Auckland, Dr Wong is completing her advanced GPEP training towards Fellowship of the Royal College of New Zealand General Practitioners. She is fluent in English and Malay and conversant in Mandarin.